BECOME A SPONSOR of the OOGA Chairman's Cup
Thank you for your generous support!
Sponsorship opportunities are available; please contact MarCee Gerdes or call the association office, 614-824-3901 for details or more information.

Platinum ($5,000+)
- 4 complimentary registrations
- Recognition on OOGA website with logo
- Acknowledgement on event signs
- Acknowledgement in OOGA DrillBit publication & Weekly Pipeline
- Four Golf Hole Signs
Gold ($3,000)
- 2 complimentary registrations
- Recognition on OOGA website with logo
- Acknowledgement on event signs
- Acknowledgement in OOGA DrillBit publication & Weekly Pipeline
- Three Golf Hole Signs
Silver ($2,000)
- Recognition on OOGA website with logo
- Acknowledgement on event signs
- Acknowledgement in OOGA DrillBit publication & Weekly Pipeline
- Two Golf Hole Signs
Bronze ($1,000)
- Recognition on OOGA website with logo
- Acknowledgement on event signs
- Acknowledgement in OOGA DrillBit publication & Weekly Pipeline
- One Golf Hole Sign